Friday, December 11, 2009

Head Trauma

Remember a much earlier post where I was whining to the Live Steam Gods about the rear head of the valve chamber being a pain to make? Well, trying to build that part has definitely lived up to and even exceeded those expectations. While working on the parts, more than once I have found myself daydreaming about a time long ago where the Santa Fe/Baldwin draftsmen and engineers would gather around the water cooler and all scheme together on how they could make something more complex or difficult to build. Put some curves into it? Sure why not. Add a bevel or two? No problem. Make these 2 parallel sides skew at different angles - easy enough. I keep asking Ed why didn't locomotive builders from the past try and re-use some of the same things from engine to engine or why didn't they look more at "buildability" (maybe I should have built that 844)? Seems like a real simple way to save a buck. But, if it was easy then I guess everybody would do it. The whining continues.......

So, back to the valve chamber rear head and guide. We have round shapes transitioning into squarish shapes and one giant bevel that gives everything a optical illusion (or is it delusion?). The plans don't exactly match the actual heads installed on 2925. I think more welding, grinding, plan and picture checking and more welding and grinding has occured to build these than just about any other parts so far. Here they are just about complete.